Nahdat Jeel parliamentary candidates met with Chairman Akram Al-Assaf to discuss the party’s national policy vision and priorities ahead of the elections. The meeting was held on March 12, 2018 to identify a list of common policy goals and agenda items. Chairman Al-Assaf reaffirmed the party’s commitment to fulfill the aspirations of the Iraqi people for a brighter tomorrow and stressed on the importance of running the election campaigns with transparency and integrity in line with the Independent High Electoral Commission standards.
Category: Economy
Iraq is ranked by the World Bank at 168 of 190 countries on “Ease of Doing Business”
Iraq is ranked by the World Bank at 168 of 190 countries on “Ease of Doing Business”. Sustainable economic reforms will be key to improve the rankings to make Iraq an attractive investment destination leading to economic growth.
Tajammo’ Nahdat Jeel will introduce plans for removing obstacles to start a business, improving the legal environment, facilitating international trade and removing bureaucratic inefficiencies to create a positive investment environment and build investor confidence in Iraq. The party will introduce plans for structural reforms that strengthen the private sector and create job opportunities. This will impact the economic, social and development conditions in Iraq and will be a step forward to secure a better future for our people.